Constitution of Table Tennis Northland Incorporated
The name of the Association shall be “TABLE TENNIS NORTHLAND INCORPORATED” (hereinafter referred to as TTN).
TTN shall be registered under “the Incorporated Societies Act 1908”.
The registered office of TTN shall be at such place as the Management Committee of TTN may from time to time determine.
The objects of TTN are to:
(a) Encourage, foster, promote, control, organise, develop, manage and administer the playing of table tennis in the area controlled by TTN.
(b) Prescribe, maintain and uphold the laws for playing table tennis in Northland.
(c) Affiliate with Table Tennis New Zealand Incorporated and as may be determined from time to time by the Management Committee, any other organisation.
(d) Generally do all things whatsoever for the benefit of table tennis which may be deemed expedient or which may be directly or indirectly incidental or ancillary to the other objects of TTN provided however that the foregoing objects shall in no way limit the rights and powers conferred upon Societies incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and its amendments.
The Powers of TTN include the following:
(a) Employ the funds of TTN in such manner as is deemed by the Management Committee in the best interest of table tennis.
(b) Borrow monies for the purposes of carrying out the objects of TTN. Money to be borrowed involving financial commitment from its members must be approved by the membership at a general or special meeting.
(c) Invest monies of TTN upon such securities and upon such terms and conditions as may be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
(d) Raise monies by subscriptions, levies, affiliation fees, donations, or otherwise.
(e) Advance or lend monies to any Member Organisation using terms and conditions determined by the Management Committee.
(f) Such other powers as may be necessary or desirable to further the objects of TTN.
The Common Seal of TTN shall be held in the custody of the Secretary (or equivalent position) who shall affix it to such documents as the Management Committee may from time to time direct and shall be attested by any two Management Committee members, or a Management Committee member and the Secretary. A record of every document to which the seal is affixed shall be kept.
(a) Any club or organisation (hereafter referred to as “members clubs”) whose objects include the playing of the sport of table tennis will be eligible to apply for membership of TTN.
(b) The Management Committee may at its discretion accept affiliation from individual players or grouping of individual players forming teams of any type within TTN in circumstances defined by the Management Committee.
(c) To apply for membership of TTN, applicants shall supply such information as requested by the Management Committee. All applications shall be considered by the Management Committee which may, at its discretion, accept or refuse any such application (successful club applicants shall hereinafter be referred to as “member clubs” and individual players as “members”)
(d) Persons may be deemed by the Management Committee as worthy of and having been conferred as having Honorary membership status. Such members will have the same rights as Financial Members.
(e) A register of member clubs and members shall be maintained. It shall contain the names, the postal and email addresses, telephone numbers and date of birth of all members, and the dates at which they became members. If a member’s contact details change the member shall give the new details to the person who keeps the register.
(a) All member clubs, individual members of member clubs, and members shall comply with the the constitution, the rules and etiquette of table tennis and any other regulation deemed necessary by TTN or the Management Committee.
(b) In all cases of alleged misconduct by a “member club” or “member” an inquiry shall be held by the Management Committee which may impose such penalties as it may deem fit.
Any member club or Member shall cease to be a member of TTN:
(a) By tendering its/their resignation to the Management Committee, but shall remain liable to TTN for all money owing and unpaid at the date of resignation.
(b) Where the Management Committee resolves it is satisfied that the member club or member is unable to comply with the Management Committee’s or Annual General Meeting’s requirements and notifies the member club or member of that resolution.
(c) In the case of a member club, by ceasing to exist.
(d) If a Member’s annual membership fee remains unpaid after two months of falling due.
Where any person has rendered special service to TTN or to the sport of table tennis in New Zealand, they may, on the nomination of the Management Committee, be elected a life member of TTN at a General Meeting by a simple majority of votes. A Life Member shall be entitled to attend and vote if present, at all General meetings and shall have other privileges as may be decided upon from time to time by the Committee.
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the end of the financial year. The meeting shall be held at such place and at such time as may be determined by the Management Committee.
(b) The time, date and place of the Annual General Meeting will be publicly notified not later than 28 days before the date of the meeting.
(c) A Special General Meeting shall be convened, at the request of the Management Committee or within 30 days of the receipt of written request from 25% or more of member clubs, or, if there be no member clubs, 10 members. Such request shall not be denied. The request shall set forth the purpose of the meeting.
(d) Not later than 21 days before the date of the Special General Meeting, the time, date, place and purpose of the meeting shall be publicly notified.
(e) Only Management Committee members, delegates appointed by member clubs and life members, shall be entitled to be heard and vote at General Meetings. If there are no member clubs then all members aged 18 years and over shall be entitled to vote.
(a) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:
(1) Receipt and adoption of the President’s Report.
(2) Receipt and adoption of the Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure accounts.
(3) Election of Officers and Management Committee
(4) Appointment of an auditor.
(5) Election of life members (if any).
(6) Consideration of resolutions of which notice has been given.
(7) Any general business.
(b) All member clubs or members if no clubs exist shall give notice in writing of any business to be discussed or resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting no later than 21 days before the date of such meeting.
(c) To vote or be on the committee a person must have been a financial member over the age of 18 for a minimum of 6 months preceding the Annual General Meeting. A financial junior member’s parent may be elected to the committee providing the said junior member has been a financial member for a minimum of six months preceding the AGM.
(d) Nominations for President, Chairperson, Secretary,Treasurer and Committee members shall be in the hands of the Secretary not less than fourteen days prior to the date appointed for the Annual General Meeting. All nominations shall be signed by the nominee and by a proposer and seconder. Email nominations are acceptable. No nominations shall be taken from the floor. When nominations are closed, the secretary will advise all members of them on the website and in the stadium.
A General Meeting of TTN shall consist of:
(a) Up to two (2) delegates appointed by each member club provided that no delegate may represent more than one Club.
(b) Officers and Management Committee members who may not act as a delegate for any Club.
(c) Life Members.
(d) Individual members aged 18 years and over whose affiliation has been accepted in terms of membership clause 7 (b).
11.4. QUORUM
At any General Meeting of TTN, members present representing no less that 10% of members shall constitute a quorum.
At all General Meetings the chairperson of the Management Committee shall be entitled to take the chair. If the Management Committee chairperson be absent, then another member of the Management Committee shall take the chair. Any member disobeying the ruling of the Chair may be suspended for the period of the meeting by ordinary resolution of the meeting.
11.6. VOTING
(a) Except for that provided for in Rule 15 (Alteration to rules) the business of TTN shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast.
(b) Each member Club shall have up to two votes.
(c) Each Management Committee member shall have one vote.
(d) Each life member shall have one vote. Provided that if any person is both a Management Committee member and/or a life member, they shall be entitled to only one vote.
(e) A resolution put to the vote shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded, before or on the declaration of the result.
(f) Any poll called for shall be carried out as the chairperson shall direct.
(g) The chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
(h) Any club or member if no clubs, having outstanding fees, shall not be entitled to vote unless alternative arrangements have been approved by the Management Committee.
(i) Each honorary member shall have one vote.
The following Officers of TTN shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– President
– Chairperson
And up to 6 committee members.
(a) Fifty (50) percent (rounded down to whole numbers) of Management Committee members shall form a quorum at meetings of the Management Committee.
(b) The Chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
(c) Any Management Committee member who fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings of the Management Committee without leave of absence may forfeit their seat on the Management Committee.
(d) The Management Committee may appoint a replacement Management Committee member in the event of the death, resignation, or forfeiture of position of a Management Committee member. Such replacement shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the member who was replaced.
(e) The Management Committee may co-opt or add a new person to the Management Committee from time to time at their discretion.
(f) Method of Meeting: A meeting of the Management Committee may be held either:
(1) Physical Meeting: by a number of the Management Committee members who constitute a quorum being assembled together at the place, date and time appointed for the meeting; or
(2) Other Means: by means of audio, or audio and visual, communication by which all Management Committee members participating and constituting a quorum can simultaneously hear each other throughout the meeting.
The Management Committee shall be responsible for the governance of table tennis in the area controlled by TTN to carry out the aims and objects of TTN, and shall have the following functions and powers:
(a) To formulate and monitor a strategic plan.
(b) To adopt and monitor an annual plan and budget.
(c) To make, repeal and amend any rules or regulations (other than this document), for the control of table tennis in the area.
(d) To appoint a Secretary on such terms and conditions as the Management Committee shall think fit.
(e) To make other appointments either paid or voluntary, entering into employment contracts on such terms and conditions as the Management Committee shall think fit.
(f) To appoint any sub-committees and to delegate such powers and responsibilities as the Management Committee deems appropriate to such sub-committees.
(g) To impose any penalty upon any Member, which are found guilty of breaching any of the rules, by-laws, regulations of TTN or of refusing to give effect to any resolution passed by any General meeting or by the Management Committee, or by actions that bring the sport into disrepute.
(h) To determine the fees payable by members.
(i) To enter into contracts of insurance, sponsorship and other types of contracts as deemed appropriate to carry out the objects of TTN.
(j) Such other powers as may be necessary or desirable to further the objects of TTN.
(a) The financial year of TTN shall close on the 31st day of December in each year.
(b) All monies received shall be paid to the credit of TTN at a bank or banks as determined by the Management Committee.
(c) All accounts shall be paid by cheque, automatic payment or direct debit signed by any two of the persons authorised to do so by the Management Committee.
(d) The Annual Accounts shall be reviewed by a suitably qualified person, appointed by the Management Committee.
(e) A report of the year’s activities together with the reviewed Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account shall be prepared by the Management Committee for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
(a) These rules may be amended, repealed, or replaced by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast at a General Meeting. Notice of the proposed alteration shall be given to the Secretary at least 28 days prior to the date of the General Meeting at which it is intended to propose the alteration. Notice shall be given of the proposed resolution in accordance with rules for General Meetings.
(b) No addition to or alteration of the Payments to Members clause or the Winding – Up clause shall be approved without the approval of Inland Revenue.
Every Management Committee member of TTN who does any act in pursuance or intended pursuance of any provision of the rules in the constitution or any rules or regulations made thereunder in general meeting or of the Management Committee shall be indemnified by TTN against all losses and expenses incurred by them in connection with the discharge of their duties, unless the act was done in bad faith or without reasonable care.
(a) In the event of any dispute over the interpretation of the rules in this constitution or any question arising in connection with the administration of table tennis in the area which is not provided for in these rules, that question shall be decided by the Management Committee.
(b) Any such decision shall be recorded in the minutes of the Management Committee and shall remain in force until it is amended or revoked by the Management Committee or by a resolution passed at a General Meeting.
No member or person associated with a member of TTN shall derive any income, benefit or advantage from TTN where they can materially influence the payment of the income, benefit or advantage except where that income, benefit or advantage is derived from:
(a) Professional services to TTN rendered in the course of business, charged at no greater rate than current market rates;
(b) Interest on money lent at no greater rate than the current market rates.
(a) TTN may be wound up by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the votes cast at a General Meeting held in accordance with this constitution.
(b) If upon the liquidation of TTN there remains surplus funds after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of TTN but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation or body having purposes similar to the objects of TTN, or for some charitable purpose, within New Zealand.