Join Us

Table Tennis Northland has a variety of memberships based on age groups. As we grow, we focus on providing different programmes and clubs for all ages and skill levels. We encourage members to read our programme descriptions.

What does membership cover?

Each membership enables you to be a part of the programmes suitable for your age group.

Our membership options

Primary & Intermediate School Kids

Membership cost:
$80 per year or $25 per term

  • Kidz
  • Junior Club
  • Junior Training
  • Female Club
  • Junior Squad Training
  • Half price on school holiday programmes

Secondary School Kids

Membership cost:
$100 per year or $30 per term

  • Junior Club
  • Junior Training
  • Junior Squad Training
  • Female Club
  • Casual Club


Membership cost:
$150 per year or $40 per quarterly

  • Senior Training
  • Female Club
  • Vets Club
  • Casual Club

Senior - Gold Card (65+)

Membership cost:
$110 per year or $30 per quarterly

  • Vets Club
  • Senior Training


Membership cost:
$250 per year

  • 2 adults and up to 4 children living at the same address